Teacher Pages

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Update April 3, 2016

Country Week--The students enjoyed visiting all of the stations to learn different aspects of Portugal--History/Geography, Food, Dance, Sports, Music, Sardine Festival, and Art.  Both students and staff learned many things over the week.

Religion--Our Lent and Easter festivities were very enlightening to all of the students.  For Palm Sunday we celebrated by a Palm Parade being lead by a donkey to chapel.  Chapel before Good Friday began with a procession following the cross.  Our Journey with Jesus will be begin again in April with a new item in the backpack.

ELA--Home Reading Logs are due each Monday.  Spelling Tests are on Friday.  The students will continue to work on capitalization, good sentences using 5 words, and adjectives.

Math--Grade 2--Addition and Subtraction to 100
Math--Grade 3--Measurement

French--We continue to practice the days of the week, numbers 1-30 the months of the year and seasons.

Science--Forces that attract or repel--static electricity.

Easter Eggs

 Fire--Protection, Warmth, Light
